There is a specific order of relationship points you need to get to talk to each cat. When you're in the nursery, You talk to Rainbow. Then you talk to Hawkheart Then Nightshade and then Wolfpaw There's only four characters before Hawktail that Stormtail has a friendship bond with and it's those four. Your relationship should be at 32 when you finish talking to everyone that gives you those relationship points. ---- This is just another kind of prequel to Hawktail's Silence, only it takes place after the one I just released and sets in moons after Stormkit(tail) was born. Stormkit was the only surviving kit of Darkcloud and Redpelt, his sister, Featherkit, died before Stormkit opened his eyes. The reason why Faith is not spoken about in the other parts of the series is because she died two days before hers and Rainbow's apprenticeship. Press space to open the lore box, press the up and down arrows to navigate it. Click the lore box to close it. Once you have 32 relationship points, press C to see the cutscenes. 


 Hawkheart is bisexual, by the way.


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Hey. The art isn't yours, I'd suggest you'd redraw it all as your own art /nm